Friday, November 9, 2007

Tainted love

Today I went to provision for our trip to Cuba, as on Cuba, you can't get basic things easily, such as soap, toilet paper, and food. This is mainly due to the embargo the U.S. has put on the filthy communists. This means that anyone who wishes to trade with Cuba cannot trade with the U.S., and most nations kowtow to the mighty dollar, so the Red Menace must languish in poverty. However, it is a relatively peaceful and safe place, said to be the safest place in the Americas, which is unlike Haiti, a country we will be giving a wide berth on our way to Cuba.

The island of Hispaniola is made up of two countries, Haiti and the Dominican Republic. Due to environmental mismanagement, Haiti is said to be a dustbowl, with grinding poverty. We have heard only negative stories from other sailors, who say it is very dangerous, and armed men will board your boat and strip it of everything, which is really no-ones idea of a carribean holiday, I mean, we all want the friendly guy to pour us a Just Juice as the steel drums play, not to pistol whip us into revealing the location of our money.

So to avoid this situation, we are going to head out to sea, and keep a 5 mile gap between us and Haiti, which means that this little town will be our last chance to get provisions. I may also not be able to write so frequently, dear readers, but will do my best.

I went into a small supermarket to buy our goods. A guy wearing an "I sail for Jesus" T-Shirt came to help me with my goods. He then made the universal hand gestures for lovemaking, and suggested that I could obtain this for $10 U.S. (this means he would settle for about $5). I searched my phrasebook in vain for "No, I do not want to sleep with your girlfriend/wife of dubious venereal hygene, thank you very much" but had to settle for "No, gracias".

1 comment:

MishtaNegativity said...

I think Jesus would be unhappy about being on the shirt of a man who is making lovemaking hand gestures at you. You should report him to the church.